KI.4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

KD.3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective, possessive)

KD.4.1. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari bab ini kalian mampu:

1. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri kepada orang lain.
2. Memperkenalkan seseorang kepada orang lain.

First, we are going to discuss about vocabulary relates to introduction.

A. Vocabulary

  1. introduce=memperkenalkan
  2. name=nama
  3. born=dilahirkan/lahir
  4. address=alamat
  5. live=tinggal
  6. boarding house=rumah kost
  7. street=jalan
  8. in, on, at=di
  9. hobby=hobi/kegemaran
  10. how many=berapa banyak/jumlah
  11. father=ayah
  12. mother=ibu
  13. house wife=ibu rumah tangga
  14. civil servant=Pegawai Negeri Sipil
  15. farmer=petani
  16. brother=saudara laki-laki
  17. sister=saudara perempuan
  18. sibling=saudara kandung
  19. job=pekerjaan
  20. dream/ambition=cita-cita

B. Speaking Practice

We divide this lesson into 2 parts, they are self introduction and introducing someone to other people.

I. Self Introduction

Here you will learn how to introduce yourself to other people.

a. Expression

Some expressions that can be used to introduce yourself are:

  1. Let me introduce myself to you;
  2. I’d like to introduce myself to you;
  3. Hello, I’m Stephanie;
  4. My name is Stephanie;
  5. I am a student;
  6. I live at Sudirman street no 21, Bandar Lampung;
  7. I was born on July 7, 2001;
  8. I come from/I am from Bandar Lampung;
  9. I am 16 years old;
  10. My hobby is cooking; etc.

b. Monologue

Practice the following monologue!

Good morning everybody. In this nice occasion, I’d like to introduce my self to you. My full name is Vanessha Del. People around me usually call me Vanesh. I am from Bandar Lampung and I also was born in Bandar Lampung, on March 8, 2005. So now I’m 15 years of age. Now I live at Sudirman street no 21, Bandar Lampung. As you know I am a student. My hobbies are reading and writing. I want to be a famous writer in the future. I think that’s all about me. Thank you very much for your very nice attention.

c. Exercise

Practice the monologue above by using your own self identity, record your voice or video then send it to your teacher.

II. Introducing Someone to Other People

In this part you will learn how to introduce someone to other people.

a. Expressions

To introduce someone to other people, you can use the following expressions:

  1. Let me introduce you to ….
  2. This is John.
  3. How do you do?
  4. Hello, my name’s Jack.
  5. Jack, please meet Vanesha.
  6. Jack, have you met Vanesha?
  7. I’d like you to meet Vanesha.
  8. I’d like to introduce you to Vanesha.
  9. Jack, this is Vanesha. Vanesha, this is Jack.
  10. Nice to meet you/Nice to know you/I’m glad to know you.
  11. Nice to meet you too, etc.

b. Dialogue

Practice the following dialogue!

Vina: Lisa, let me introduce you to Stevy. She is one of my best friends in junior high school.

Lisa: Hello Stev. How do you do? I’m Lisa Winata, you can call me just Lisa.

Stevy: Hi Lisa. How do you do? I’m Stephanie Del, just call me Stev or Stevy. Nice to know you, Lis.

Lisa: Nice to know you too, Stev.

c. Exercise

Make a dialogue of introducing someone to other people, then send it to your teacher.

C. Grammar Focus

  1. Pronoun
To get more understanding, please watch this video!

Pronoun adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda di dalam kalimat. Pronoun digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata benda yang sama dalam percakapan atau penulisan yang membuat sebuah kalimat tidak efektif. Ada beberapa jenis pronoun dalam Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan tabel berikut ini.

a. Subject Pronoun

Subject pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subyek di dalam kalimat. Macam-macam subject pronoun yaitu: I, you,we, they, he, she, dan it.

Contoh penggunaanya di dalam kalimat adalah sebagai berikut:

I am Stephanie Del.

You are beautiful.

We can see great view from here.

He is a diligent student.

She is a celebrity chef.

He can speak some foreign languages.

It is very delicious.

b. Object Pronoun

Object pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai obyek di dalam kalimat. Macam-macam object pronoun yaitu: me, you, us, them, him, her dan it.

Contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat:

-He looked at me cynically.

-I love you.

-Please tell us about what happened to you.

-He gave them some food.

-Ratna left him alone in the subway.

-Joni taught her how to drive safely.

-We put it back to the right place.

c. Possessive Adjective

Possessive adjective adalah adjective (kata sifat) yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikkan kata benda (noun) yang dimodifikasinya/dijelaskannya. Macam-macam possessive adjective yaitu: my, your, our, their, his, her, and its.

Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat:

My friend is very smart.

-We like your voice very much.

-He is our younger brother.

I like to watch their videos.

His teeth look white and neat when he smiles.

Her sister is as beautiful as mine.

My cat is always wags its tail.

Jadi penggunaan sebuah possessive adjective di dalam kalimat selalu diikuti kata benda.

d. Possessive Pronoun

Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti kepemilikan. Ia digunakan untuk menunjukkan adanya suatu kepemilikan atau ownership atas sesuatu. Macam-macam possessive pronoun yaitu: mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, dan hers.

Contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat:

-This jacket is mine (my jacket)
-Finally you bought the car. It is yours (your car) now.
-He sells ours (our merchandise).
Theirs (their products) are still the best in the market.
-It is his (his bag). Please don’t disturb it.
-We like hers (her cake) most.

Jadi possessive pronoun digunakan untuk menggantikan noun yang dihilangkan: my jacket ==>mine, your car==>yours, our merchandise==>ours, their product==>theirs, his bag==>his dan her cake==>hers. Perhatikan lagi contoh-contoh kalimat di atas bahwa possessive pronoun bisa berfungsi sebagai subject maupun object di dalam kalimat.

Sebagai kesimpulan, possessive pronoun menggantikan noun dan possessive adjective menerangkan noun.

e. Exercise

Please fill the blank parts with the suitable pronouns.

My name is Vanesha Del. 1 _______ (I, My, You) am a student of Islamic Senior High School 1 Bandar Lampung, aka MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. 2 ______ (We, He, It) is situated in Sukarame sub-district, Bandar Lampung. 3 ______ (We, I, Me) live in Sukarame as well, not far from the school. It only takes me about 5 minutes to go on foot to get the school. 4 ______ (She, We, I) study from Monday till Saturday.

5 ______ (We, Them, I) live with my family. There are members in my family, 6 ______ (we, they, them) are my father, my mother, and my two beautiful sisters, Stephanie and Regia Del. 7 ______ (Our, Us, We) are happy family. 8 ______ (They, Them, We) always try to make quality time by spending the time together no matter busy 9 ______ (we, they, our) are.

10 ______ (My, His, Their) father is an entrepreneur. 11______ (She, He, It) is a very kind-hearted and diligent man. I see 12 ______ (her, his, him) work hard everyday to support 13 ______ (we, our, us) family. 14 ______ (Him, He, We) likes to read some business books in 15 ______ (her, his, its) spare time. Dad is a family man. For 16 ______ (I, we, me), he is the best dad in the world.

My mother is a beautiful woman. 17 ______ (Her, His, She) hobby is cooking. 18 ______ (She, His, Her) especially likes to cook chicken soup. 19 ______ (She, It, Its) is very delicious. The most delicious ever on the earth. Mom is a school teacher. 20 ______ (Her, Hers, She) teaches English and Mandarin Chinese at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. Mom is also a diligent woman. She usually wakes up very early in the morning to prepare 21 ______ (we, our, ours) breakfast then goes to work at 6.45 a.m and returns home at about 4 p.m. She looks very busy everyday.

My elder sister, Stephanie Del is also a student. 22 ______ (He, She, Her) studies at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung as well. She is the 12th grader. Stephanie is very intelligent. I guess 23 ______ (hers, her, his) hobby is studying because she is always accompanied by her books everyday. Stevy always gets the first rank every semester. She is an awesome girl.

The last but not least is 24 ______ (my, me, mine) youngest sister, Regia Del. She is the most spoiled in 25 ______ (us, our, ours) family. I guess it is because she is the youngest among 26 ______ (we, ours, us). However she is very diligent, cute and cheerful. 27 ______ (She, Hers, Her) hobby is cleaning the house. It makes 28 ______ (we, ours, our) house always clean and comfort to live. 29 ______ (Her, She, Hers) is now the 9th grader of Islamic Junior High School 2 Bandar Lampung.

No matter what, I love mom, dad and my sisters very much, and will always do. 30 ______ (We, They, Their) are all my happiness ever after.

2. To Be

To be adalah salah satu bentuk kata kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ia bisa berfungsi sebagai kata kerja penuh (full/main verb) atau sebagai kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb).

a. Bentuk

Ada 5 macam bentuk to be dalam Bahasa Inggris yaitu:

  1. Present (am, is, are)
  2. Past (was, were)
  3. Future (be)
  4. Perfect (been)
  5. dan Continuous (being)

Yang akan kita bahas pada materi introduction ini adalah to be bentuk present (am, is dan are) dan past (was, were).

b. Pasangan

Adapun pasangan to be dengan subject (noun/pronoun) adalah sebagai berikut:

c. Fungsi

Fungsi to be di dalam kalimat adalah sebagai berikut:

*Sebagai kata kerja penuh (full/main verb) apabila di dalam sebuah kalimat subject bertemu dengan kata benda (noun)


-I am a student.

-She is a doctor.

-My mother is a house wife.

*Sebagai kata kerja penuh (full/main verb) apabila di dalam sebuah kalimat subject bertemu dengan kata sifat (adjective).


-They are smart.

-We are happy.

-It is expensive.

*Sebagai kata kerja (full/main verb) apabila di dalam sebuah kalimat subject bertemu dengan kata keterangan tempat atau waktu (adverb of place or adverb of time).


-The students are in the class room. (adverb of place)

-They are in Jakarta now. (adverb of time)

*Sebagai kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) dalam kalimat continuous tense.


-Ratna is studying English at the moment.

-They were cooking when somebody knocked the door last night.

*Sebagai kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) pada kalimat passive.


-Radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi

-It was fermented for 3 days.

d. Exercise

Fill the blank parts with the correct form of be!

  1. We ______ (am, is, are) happy students.
  2. Some of her students ______ (am, is, are) lazy.
  3. Everybody _____ (am, is, are) happy.
  4. One of those books ______ (am, is, are) mine.
  5. My mother ______ (am, is, are) cooking now.
  6. Ratna and Siti ______ (am, is, are) best friends.
  7. You and I ______ (am, is, are) dilligent.
  8. Nobody ______ (am, is, are) in the class room.
  9. My friend ______ (am, is, are) very smart.
  10. It ______ (am, is, are) Sunday.

3. Simple Present Tense

Simple present is the most basic and common tense in English. It is also interesting because it can express both the present and the future.


1. Subject+Verb1 (base)———-> for first singular/plural and second singular/plural pronoun (I,we,you,they)
2. Subject+Verb1(s/es) —–> for third singular pronoun (he, she, it)

-s or -es?

For third singular person, we need to put s/es after the verb. For most verbs, just add s. However, for some verbs, which end in -s (pass, kiss), sh (wish, wash), ch (watch, catch, teach), z (waltz) and x (mix, fix) you need to add –es, so that the verbs become passes, kisses, wishes, washes, watches, catches, teaches, waltzes, mixes and fixes. Meanwhile for verbs end in -y, you must pay attention to the letter before -y. If the letter before -y is a consonant, such as study, fly….you need to change -y into -i then add –es; the verbs then become studies and flies. But if the letter before –y is a vowel like in play, you only need to put s, then it becomes plays.






The simple present is used to express:

1. both habits and or routines (habitual actions)

I write an article every day.
She does not play piano very often.
Do you wake up early every morning?

2. facts and universal truths

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. (fact)
Iron sinks in water. (universal truth)
A cat doesn’t fly.(universal truth)
Does water freeze at 0 degree celcius? (universal truth)
The sun always shines in the desert. (universal truth)

3. permanent situations, the situations in life that last a relatively long time

  • I live in Bandar Lampung, the capital of Lampung province, Indonesia.
  • I teach English at this school.

4. events that are certain to happen

  • In England, summer starts on the 21st of June and ends on the 23rd of September.

5. timetable/schedule, official meeting

  • The plane takes off at 7 a.m.
  • The meeting starts at 8 p.m.
  • The concert begins at 7.30 p.m.

6. verbs that describe state, possession, sense, emotion and mental activity such as: be, have, suppose, know, doubt, like, dislike, understand,suspect, hate, loathe, own, belong, need, want, seem, mean, believe, forget, remember, prefer, love, and see.

  • We know him well.
  • He doesn’t understand me.
  • What does it mean?

7. actions taking place one after another

  • We have breakfast then go.
  • The little girl runs then hugs her mom.

8. first conditional

  • We will not pass the test if we don’t study hard.
  • If you watch the program, you will be smart.
  • My father will retire when he reaches age 65.

9. the clauses after when, before, till, after, as soon as (Time Clause)

-When you meet some one in need, please help him/her.

-Before you do your job, please pray.

-Do your job till you finish it.

-You can go fishing after you complete your school work.

-Please call me as soon as you get home.

Time Signal

The time signals used in simple present tense are always, every …, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes and usually.

Simple Present with Be

• Use the present form of be (am, is, are) to make simple present sentences.
• Use am with the personal pronoun I
• Use is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or with the singular form of nouns)
• Use are with the personal pronouns we, you or they (or with the plural form of nouns)


Interrogative ————>>Be(am,is,are)+Subject+Complement?
• I am happy with you.
• He is not a hard worker.
• Is she a cheerful girl?
• It is a big house.
• We are diligent students.


Choose the correct form of verb!

  1. They ______ (go, goes) to the traditional market everyday.
  2. She doesn’t _____ (know, knows) what to do.
  3. ______ (Do, Does) your sister always help you when you need?
  4. The sun ______ (rise, rises) from the east.
  5. Where ______ (do, does) he live?
  6. We don’t ______ (understand, understand) about it at all. We swear.
  7. My class ______ (begin, begins) at 8 a.m every morning.
  8. ______ (Are, Do) you unhappy with him?
  9. My sister ______ (isn’t, doesn’t) a nurse.
  10. I frequently _____ (forget, am forget) to put off my shoes when I enter my house.