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PSY Gangnam Style

PSY Gangnam Style

PSY Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style is now famous in the wold. Do you know the man behind it? He is Park Jae-sang and known as PSY.
He was born on December 31 1977 at Gangnam District , Seoul, South Korea. He was grown up among bussines family members. His father is an executive chairman of manufacturing company and his mother is owner of several restaurants.
Park Jae-sang  got  his elementary education from Banpo and continued his study to Middle Schools and Sehwa High School. After graduated from high school, in 1996, Park flew to United Stated to study business administration at Boston University. He was a student there for only one semester because he dropped out of Boston University after he attended an English-language course in Summer. Leaving business administration field, he studied music at Berkley College of Music but soon he dropped out of Barklee College too.

Park Jae-sang returned to South Korea without having university degree and pursued carrier as singer. He releases his first album Psy from the Psycho World! in 2001. Because of the inappropriate content, he was fined by South Korean government authorities. In 2002 he had the second album Sa 2 but again he was banned. In 2006 he got his fourth album Sa Jib. At that time he won honors at Hong Kong’s Mnet Asian Music Awards.

Park Jae-sang got his big success in 2012 when he released his sixth album Psy 6. The song “Gangnam Style” appeared in broadcasting and newspapers outside Asia. Gangnam Style ranked first on YouTube and soon became the global superstar.

Taken from http://www.englishdirection.com which is re-written and simplified from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psy

The Other Recount Text Examples

  1. Through the Desert to Yazd
  2. Bagmati Dreams
  3. Climbing to Heaven
  4. A Rainy Day In Bangalore
  5. Vietnam vacation
  6. Daytripping to the Dead Sea
  7. Traveling
  8. My Personal Experience
  9. A Tour to the Botanic Gardens
  10. My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja
  11. Visiting Bali
  12. Ball Dome
  13. My Rush Time as a Journalist
  14. Vacation to London
  15. The  Frozen  Pool
  16. A  Cold  Crisp  Day
  17. My Great Personal Experience Staying in Hongkong
  18. It doesn’t feel like home
  19. Looking for Cleopatra’s Emerald
  20. Lucky Friday
  21. Dog Made History
  22. The Nightmare
  23. My Holiday was Fantastic
  24. Bus was Flowing Right Behind Me
  25. Adventure in the Sacred Forest
  26. RA Kartini
  27. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Biography
  28. Soichiro Honda
  29. Kate Middleton
  30. Julius Caesar
  31. Abraham Lincoln Biography
  32. Justin Bieber Biography
  33. Princess Diana Biography
  34. Barack Obama Biography
  35. Bill Gates Biography
  36. David Beckham Biography
  37. Cristiano Ronaldo Biography
  38. Oprah Winfrey Biography
  39. Albert Einstein Biography
  40. Jackie Chan Biography
  41. Jet Li Biography
  42. Bruce Lee Biography
  43. Mother Teresa Biography
  44. Brad Pitt Biography
  45. Tiger Woods
  46. Short Biography of Kurt Cobain
  47. PSY Gangnam Style
  48. Walt Disney: A Short Biography
  49. Robert Kiyosaki
  50. Mark Zuckerberg

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