Announcement Text

A. Definition

Announcement text belongs to functional text which has close relationship with invitation text. Announcement is an official statement either in oral or written form that contains information with the aim of informing the public about something that can be known by many people directly, quickly and evenly.

B. Generic Structure


Title is a very important part of an announcement because it represents the overall content of the announcement. But sometimes the title is not always clearly stated.


Explanation contains further explanation about an announcement. It usually consists of basic information that includes: type of activity, time, place, and participants.


Text 1

Writing Competition

Announcement !

Our school will have a Writing Competition that will be held on 17 January 2018

Registration will be held on January, 5th-10th at OSIS room. Registration is free and full of prizes!

Contact person : Nita (0822 1234 5678)

Text 2


Mandarin Club Man 1 Bandar Lampung opens a recruitment for new members. For all students who are interested can come to secretarial room on Monday at 9 am.

Please bring a color photograph size: 3×4cm.

For more information, please contact Putri at 0821 1234 5678

Thank you

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Text 1

Independence Day Commemoration Competitions

To enliven the celebration of the independence day of our country, we will hold various competitions in our village. The competitions among others are: sack race, tug-of-war, areca climbing, volley ball, football, tumpeng decoration, and many more. The competitions will be conducted on August 17, at 1.p.m till finish. All residents of this village can participate in any competitions. Please register yourself either group or individual (depends on the kind of the competition) to the committee from August 10-15. Registration is free. Many prizes are provided for the winners.

For more information you can contact Rita at 081512345678 or Paidi at 087812345678.

Chairman of the Committee


1. What is the purpose of the text? It’s ….
2. The Competition will be held on ….
3. Who can join the competitions?
4. To whom should you come if you need more information about the competitions? It’s ….
5. The following are the competitions mentioned in the text, except …
Text 2

Shop Closed

In order to welcome Ramadhan, our shop will be closed for a week starting from tomorrow, March 20, 2020 and will be opened again on March 27, 2020. All incoming  transactions will be processed in the next 3 days.

Thank you

6. What is the announcement about?
7. Why will the shop be closed?
8. How long will it be closed?
9. How are the incoming transactions?
10. When will the shop be opened again?

Filed under: Kurikulum 2013Learning English(Reading)

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