Brochure, Leaflet, Banner, and Pamphlet

I. Brochure

A. Definition

A brochure is a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about something or advertising something ( It can be about a company, product or service.

B. Purpose

A brochure mainly used to introduce a company or organization and inform about products and/or services to a target audience for the purpose of advertising.

C. Function

The main function of a brochure is to provide information to public about a product that will be offered in detail. In order to attract people’s attention, brochures are generally made with an attractive design and clear contents.

D. Generic Structure

A brochure consists of title, content and contact person.

  1. Title : the name of products or service offered in brochure.
  2. Content: the information given about the products or service offered in brochure.
  3. Contact person : name, address, or phone number that people can contact if they want to find out more information about something that’s offered in brochure.

E. Characteristics

  1. Contain short information and focuses on one thing. Example: brochure about university. The aim is to inform, educate, persuade or influencing public to buy or follow or attend product, service, or program that is explained in the brochure.
  2. Made with attractive design , catchy for public , and the size is not too big.
  3. Brochure usually has distribution itself and not part of another media. Publicized once, but can be republication. If republication, brochure usually has different information (newer information, date, or year)

F. Points to Remember When Making a Brochure

Make it powerful and effective

What is the purpose of the brochure? Who is the target audience? What is the key message? Write from the reader’s point of view. Write to grab attention and hold interest. Tell. Sell. And tell again. Personalize for greater impact. Create an environment that stimulates interest. Use words that make pictures and pictures that sell. Support claims with verifiable facts. Ask for action.

G. Example

The following is the example of a brochure:

a brochure on environment, taken from:

II. Leaflet

A. Definition

Leaflet is a promotional or marketing tool that is printed on a sheet of paper, which generally uses art paper or art carton, and has two or more folds. The leaflet itself usually contains brief information about a program, business, or activity carried out by an owner or business entity, related to the products, services or events they offer.

Generally, in promoting a business, leaflets will contain specific information on one type of product or service among the several products or services that you offer, although many also use leaflets to introduce the entire product or service of a business.

B. Function

The functions of a leaflet among others are:

1. to advertise a product;

2. to provide information about important issues and events;

3. to draw attention to any organization, cause or event;

4. to motivate someone to take an action.

C. Structure

The Structure of a leaflet among others are:

1. Title & a slogan

Grab the readers’ attention through title & a slogan. Start with a catchy heading, rhetorical questions or catchy slogans such as: ‘Saving you money every day’, ‘Try something new every day’, ‘Are you interested in our unique menu?’, etc.

2. Introduction

Write the history, mission or vision of the organization in the introduction.

3. Subheadings

Provide information and facts about the topic. Give a clear idea of what the readers is expected to do.  Give a solution to the problem. Be specific. State the benefit clearly in the leaflet. Tell people why this product/event is good for them. Be clear what the promotion is about. State what the event is, when and where. Persuade the readers to take action.

4. Attractive illustrations and photographs

To get the readers’ attention, a leaflet must use attractive illustrations and photographs.

5. Contact information

Put contact information, and where to get further details (phone/ cell number, email address, etc.)

D. Language and Features

  1. The design consists of two page faces, which are designed according to the folded shape of the paper.
  2. Brief, concise, clear information.
  3. The information submitted includes, among others: logo, product / company, complete address, and program.
  4. The images shown are in accordance with the information on the leaflet.
  5. Ordinary image layout is directed to fill the plane to pursue the composition.
  6. Bright colors so that readers are more excited to read the leaflet.
  7. Small printed sheet of paper.
  8. Writing consists of 200 – 400 words / letters in print, usually accompanied by pictures.
  9. The size is usually 20-30 cm.
  10. Use different tenses, a leaflet is usually written in the present tense.
  11. Use compelling, simple and direct language. Employ emotive language and often use metaphors and similes. Use positive words. Use Superlatives: biggest, brightest, tastiest, creamiest, freshest, quickest, etc. Use Imperative: ‘You must buy this…’, ‘Don’t miss this great offer…’, ‘Don’t delay, buy today!’, etc.

E. Shape and Size

The most common form of leaflet is the existence of a fold on a sheet of paper, which is folded using the rail technique so that the paper does not crack and break at the fold (which usually happens when we fold it manually).

F. Number of Folds on the Leaflet

The number of folds in a leaflet varies, but the most common is to use a double (half-fold or single fold) or tri-fold, but it depends on the makers.

Some of the leaflet folding techniques are as follows:

1. Half fold / single fold / two fold: the paper will be folded into two, each area must have has the same size, proportional.

2. Trifold: the leaflet will be folded into three parts with equal area on each.

3. Window fold / Gate fold: the leaflet will be folded into three, with the same area on the right and left part, but rather large in the middle, so that when folded, you will only see the middle part.

4. Four fold: the leaflet will be divided evenly into four parts.

You can choose the number of folds, the most appropriate one. Usually the number of folds will be adjusted to several things, such as:

  1. The purpose of the leaflet: whether only as an introduction to a business / brand / event, or to promote a product or service, or it can also be a detailed specification of a product and service.
  2. The density of the material: especially written material, will determine how the leaflet should be folded.
  3. Design: the desired design concept also determines how many folds you will use on the leaflet.

G. Paper Size on Leaflet

The size of the leaflet before being folded usually uses paper with the standard A4 size, 21 × 29.7 cm, but if you want a leaflet with four folds, it is advisable to use a paper size that is longer than A4, but the width is the same.

III. Banner

IV. Pamphlet

Taken from many sources