The following is the example of Analytical Exposition Text.

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The Disadvantages of Coal Mining

by DZ Perez

coal mining

coal mining

Global warming, climate change and pollution…These are only few of many environmental concerns caused by burning of coal. Coal is a form of fossil fuel that is extracted from the ground through mining. The goal of coal mining application is to generate electricity which is good for development however this activity can result to adverse effects on our environment.

Coal burning or usage of coal to extract energy greatly contributes to what they call global warming. This global warming involves greenhouse effect process by which radiative energy leaving a planetary surface is absorbed by greenhouse gases thus warming the earth’s surface. The reason why coal burning contributes to global warming is that coal emits greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and others. In some regions where coal burning is abundant, it has caused acid rains which contaminate vegetation soil and groundwater supply.

Aside from harmful emissions of coal burning, coal mining applications ruin forests and local wildlife. Just take for example in the Cordillera Philippines, where coal mining activity is mostly done in this region, the Cordillera forest that used to be watershed protecting the Northern Luzon has been ruined by mining applications. Based on DENR-CAR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Cordillera Administrative Region) data the region’s forest cover is now critically below 40% of the total land area of 1.8 million hectares. The ideal forest cover should be 40% or higher of the land area. Moreover, according to elders in that region, reforestation is even useless to save the watershed areas since these were now all replaced by mining applications.

Yes, the coal mining applications may bring livelihood to the public however the return of this activity to our environment and public health is worse than we could imagine. Mining industry causes health difficulties for miners and fatalities due to the dangers of the work. Hazardous wastes such as mercury and cyanide are only some of the toxic wastes of mining industry. If not taken care of these toxic wastes could contaminate groundwater supply and vegetation lands.

The Other Analytical Exposition Text Examples:

  1. Organic Food – The Benefits of Natural and Organic Produce
  2. The Disadvantages of Coal Mining
  3. Negative Effects of Television
  4. Air Pollution Dangers
  5. Fitness Benefits of Biking
  6. Danger of Smoking – How Cancer Will Ruin Your Health
  7. Negative Effects of Internet Usage
  8. The Wonderful Health Benefits of Drinking Water
  9. The Advantages of Studying Abroad as a College Student
  10. The Effects of Fast Food

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