For Example and Such As

The phrase for example and such as have the same meaning (sebagai contoh), they are used to give example of something we are talking about. Using them alternately is a great way to avoid repetition. But they are quite different in terms of their position in a sentence.

A. For Example

For example can be used in the middle of a sentence as well as at the beginning. But, it has to be between two commas when it is put in the middle of a sentence.


  1. Stephanie likes to eat green vegetables, for example, spinach, broccoli, kale and long beans.
  2. Stephanie likes to eat green vegetables. For example, she will be excited to eat spinach, broccoli, kale and long beans.

Note: You can use for instance instead of for example. They are used the same way and have the same meaning.

e.g. She is a good teacher. For example/For instance, her way of teaching is always easily understood by her students.

B. Such As

Such as can only be used in the middle of a sentence, not at the beginning. So never starts a sentence with such as. Such as does not need two commas in between.

e.g. Some hybrid caladium such as sexy pink and strawberry star are very popular nowadays.                                    

We can use such as to introduce an example or examples of something we mention. We normally use a comma before such as when we present a list of examples. Where there is just one example, we don’t need a comma:

1. Dewi is very good at language lessons, such as English, Japanese and Arabic.

2. Vegetable such as carrot is very beneficial for eyes health.

Such as is similar to like for introducing examples, but it is more formal, and is used more in writing than like.

I have gone to some East Asia countries, such as China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. (or, less formal, like China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.)

This article is taken from some sources.

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